Mom’s Guide to a Faster Postpartum Recovery

The postpartum period begins after childbirth and continues for 6 weeks. These are wonderful days in the life of each new mom despite the fact that it takes time for her to recover and adapt to her new role.

This time is exceptional for a woman and her baby as a special connection is formed between them. It is also important for a new mom to be monitored by her doctor in the postnatal period.

The postpartum period is something first-time moms have hard times prepared to. Usually, future moms are so overwhelmed with pregnancy and the upcoming labor with birth that they completely forget to get more informed about what to expect postpartum.

Adapting to new circumstances

It can be rather challenging to accept the changes in life after the delivery. A new mom needs time to get accustomed to a range of new problems arising daily. From now on, her everyday routine is full of worries about the baby who demands attention round the clock.

It is especially challenging to cope with it at night time. Being exhausted, a postpartum woman may encounter the risk of depression. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to avoid a negative outcome. Follow the steps given below to overcome postpartum difficulties easily.

1. Have much rest

A new mom should have enough sleep to allow her body to recharge. The newborn feeding schedule has short intervals. The breastfeeding frequency is about 10 times per day, on average. It means that the mother has to feed her baby every 2-3 hours. The woman should learn to relax between the feeding sessions to manage it well.

Related: 5 Habits of a Happy Mom (that will save your sanity)

2. Ask for assistance

Your close people are ready to provide you with help. Just ask them about it. Everybody know about the challenges of postpartum mothers, so they will be happy to be useful. At this time, simple things are needed: cooking, washing, and cleaning. Do not feel embarrassed to ask about it.

3. Choose a healthy diet

A healthy nutrition plan is important in the postpartum period as it helps mothers to recover after birth. Such foods as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and products with plenty of protein should enter the list of preferred foods. Also, keep in mind that breastfeeding moms should have enough fluid intake during the day.

4. Work out regularly

There’s no need to hurry into your usual work out routine soon after delivery. However, lack of exercise might affect your mood, both physical and mental health, as well as the ability to recover faster after birth.

That is why low physical activity is recommended during this period (6 weeks after birth) such as longer walks with the stroller to a faster pace, light warm-up activity to keep your muscles flexible, and even some easy exercises from yoga that help you stretch your body (especially exercises for lower back because you will feel that it’s going to fall off without proper exercise).

If you perform short workout on a daily basis, it will fill you up with energy, raise your mood, and boost your health. If you want to get your body back after baby, here’s a complete guide to your best body after baby.

Managing Body Changes

We have covered, mainly, the issues of physical health above. However, there are serious body changes that affect the emotional aspect as well.

Most women gain extra weight before delivery. After giving birth to a baby some of them think that there is no reason for extra weight any longer. They expect it to go away but it does not happen fast.

For this reason, they choose intensive workouts, wearing themselves out hoping to get back in shape again. As a rule, this does not bring good results but even when it does, this is a useless and harmful approach.

The recovery of the body requires time. It is good to do sports but workout sessions should not be exhausting. Start exercising little by little, gradually increasing the intensity of sport activities. In the beginning, it is better to choose such activities as swimming, walking, aerobics, etc.

Balanced nutrition is important to become strong again. Weight loss occurs differently in each particular case. There are no standard rules for all. If you are breastfeeding, it will be easier for you to lose weight since more calories are burnt on a daily basis.

However, there are some women who, on the contrary, start gaining weight while breastfeeding. This is very frustrating but if you are one of them, I will tell you this: you can control your weight and even lose it while breastfeeding. I wrote a whole about it, you can check it out here.

Also, there are some issues new moms come up with during postpartum period that should be discussed individually with doctors.

1. Engorged breasts

When the nursing phase begins, a woman may feel discomfort due to swollen breasts. The milk is accumulating in the breasts creating pressure and causing sore nipples. This is a temporary effect. You should be patient until the condition improves. It can be relieved with a nipple cream that has a soothing effect.

2. Postpartum constipation and irregularity

Postpartum constipation can be very annoying. Sometimes it requires a couple of days to return bowel movements. You can normalize the work of your digestive system consuming more high-fiber foods and much fluid.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, the doctor can advise OTC remedies to you. Also, sitz bath is recommended.

Quick tips on how to have regular bowel movements after birth:

  1. Drink more fluids (also good for milk supply).
  2. Eat more whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies. Opt for home-cooked meals. Remember, fiber is your friend, refined carbs and sugar are your enemies.
  3. Walking is great to keep the things moving down there.
  4. Do Kegel exercises. Not only do they strengthen your pelvic muscles after birth, they will also help with regularity. You’d be surprised how many wonders simple Kegels may do to your lady bits and bowels that need extra attention after birth.
  5. If nothing mentioned above works, you might wanna try a stool softener (but check with your doctor first!).

3. Postnatal sweating

It is not uncommon to deal with sweating in the postnatal period. It happens due to hormonal changes. After birth, your hormones are programmed to help rid your body of excess fluids that were retained to support your baby during pregnancy.

Takeaway: postpartum sweating is a natural and smart mechanism to help your body flush out toxins and excess fluid you don’t need. It typically lasts for up to several weeks after birth. Usually, there’s no need to see a doctor.B

4. Bleeding

It is normal to bleed after childbirth for a couple of weeks but it should not be heavy. Vaginal discharge can stop in a month after the body gets rid of uterus tissue and blood.

It is not recommended to wear tampons or use douche at this time otherwise it can entail infection. If you feel a bad smell, tell your doctor about it. Contact your doctor if vaginal discharge is heavy and you change sanitary pads every 2 hours.

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