A nursing mother often doesn’t know whether to breastfeed her child with only one breast or two. Is it enough for a child to have only one breast to be satisfied?
In fact, it depends on the special peculiarities of a nursing woman and the needs of her baby. It should be remembered that if a breast is emptied often and completely, milk is produced faster and in larger amounts. And vice versa, the less milk the child gets, the less milk is produced. A mother should decide whether to feed her baby with one breast or both according to the needs of her child and her convenience.

A Word From Pediatricians

Specialists say that if you have just delivered a baby and started nursing, it is better to use both breasts while feeding a newborn. Doing this, you stimulate better milk production that contributes to the establishment of adequate milk supply. Besides, nursing with both breasts reduces the risk of mammary gland problems, for example, plugged milk ducts.
In a couple of weeks, you can choose what way of feeding fits your child and you better. If your child grows well being fed on one side, you can nurse them without changing your breasts. But if there is not enough milk for a child in a breast, let them have another one too.
Benefits of Breastfeeding with Both Breasts in One Nursing Session
In addition to the increase in breast milk supply, there are some other benefits of nursing on both sides. A baby who has poor weight gain should be offered both breasts in one feeding session, so they can get more hindmilk, which helps to gain healthy weight. Another advantage is that feeding with two breasts helps to nurse a sleepy child better . And, of course, nursing on both sides, your breasts will be more or less symmetric.
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Advantages of Feeding with Both Breasts in One Nursing Session
Nursing on one side helps to improve the digestive system of a child and reduce gassiness and colic. Also, if a mother has an excessive milk supply, feeding a baby with one breast can help to lower the amount of milk in the other breast.
Sometimes, when a baby is breastfed only on one side, a child may prefer feeding on one particular breast. It means that a baby can be fed only on one breast. Breast preference is not a problem if your child gets enough nutrition.