You have just delivered a baby and the first challenge you are going to meet at this point is the first nursing session. In an hour after birth, the baby should be breastfed.
Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world but not the easiest one. It might be stressful for a mother and a baby at the beginning. And a reasonable question arises in your head: “How to breastfeed correctly?”

A newborn during a process of breastfeeding
When a baby is born and makes the first cry, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord and puts the baby on the mother’s chest. From a psychological point of view, the first chest-to-chest contact is very important. The baby feels the warmth of the mother’s skin, the beating of her heart, the smell and voice, and calms down.

This skin-to-skin contact reduces stress and facilitates the process of adapting to a new world.
And then the time of first breastfeeding comes. One of the important parts of successful breastfeeding is a good latch. Make sure that the baby latches correctly.
The lips should be placed not only on your nipple but also around the areola (skin around a nipple). You can wait for the baby to open the mouth and help him or her to take the nipple.
The first nursing session is also very important for newborns because they get colostrum that contains a lot of antibodies protecting the baby from various infections.
Colostrum contributes to the colonization of the intestines of a child with normal microflora. This is because colostrum is rich in components that stimulate the development and growth of bifidobacteria.
A mother during a process of breastfeeding
The first breastfeeding is, of course, challenging for a mother. You may feel uncomfortable, frustrated and even embarrassed. Do not worry! If you feel like being exposed, just ask your nurse for some privacy. In case there are some people in the room, you can ask them to leave for some minutes.
If you have some problems with positioning your baby on your chest or problems with latching, you can invite a lactation consultant who will help you and teach you how to breastfeed properly.
What to do if breastfeeding is difficult?
Do not be afraid. Some babies do not experience any difficulties with breastfeeding from the beginning, but sometimes it is not so easy for a child and a mother. You should keep patience and try your best to make you and your child feel comfortable during the process of breastfeeding.