How Breast Size Affects Breastfeeding

Does breast size matter? I bet every woman was curious about this. Breasts come in all sizes and shapes, which is all normal. However, does it affect breastfeeding, if you have, say, small or large and droopy breasts?

Does breast size matter? I bet every woman was curious about this. Breasts come in all sizes and shapes, which is all normal. However, does it affect breastfeeding, if you have, say, small or large and droopy breasts? Find out the answer in this article. Plus, get a very detailed information about every women's concern on breastfeeding with different breast shapes. #breastfeeding #breastfeedingtips #newmomtips

When we talk about the milk-making process, the answer is “NO”. And here’s why.

Your breast has two tissues – the fatty and the glandular one. The first tissue defines your breast size, whereas the second is what helps you produce milk. So the glandular tissue doesn’t always correlate to the breast size, meaning that absolutely every woman with any breast shape and size is capable of breastfeeding and producing an adequate milk supply that will meet the baby’s needs to satisfy hunger.

Having said that, there are still some common concerns about shapes and sizes in correlation with breastfeeding problems I would like to address. 

1. Small Breasts

Small breasts are never an issue for breastfeeding, unless a woman has an insufficient glandular tissue. If you have small breast, you might have to breastfeed more often than usual, since your breast storage capacity might be small.

What is a breast storage capacity? 

It is related to the amount of breast milk your breast can hold when your breasts are at the fullest. Smaller breasts usually has less storage capacity, that’s why you may need to breastfeed more often to prevent problems with clogged milk ducts and further inflammation of the breast tissue.

2. Large Breasts

Large breast is usually not a common concern for milk-making problems, however, some problems with breastfeeding that large breast implies may indirectly affect milk supply. 

Usually, women with large breasts struggle with correct latching, finding a comfortable breastfeeding position and blocking the baby’s nostrils with the breast while breastfeeding. 

All these issues mentioned above may negatively affect milk supply. Incorrect latch means breast milk is not evacuated from the breast effectively, so your brain reads it as a signal to slow down the milk-making process in order to protect you from oversupply and clogged milk ducts.  

These problems are easily solved by consulting a lactation specialist. She will help you to a perfect breastfeeding position and make sure the latch is correct.

3. Breast Implants

Breastfeeding with implants is allowed to absolutely all women. Implants do not affect the lactation process, since their location is not connected with the milk ducts in any way.

Implants do not interact with the mammary gland: they are placed under it or under the pectoral muscle, so you should not be afraid that the silicone will somehow get into the milk. Lactation remains possible, since the body starts producing milk-making hormones right after birth, so the production of breast milk is not compromised by having implants. 

4. Breast Reduction

Unfortunately, this one plays a big part in having problems with lactation. Breast reduction surgery is implying the removal of the breast tissue and making a different breast shape while this process is likely to damage the glandular tissue together with the milk ducts and the nerves – all the things that are responsible for a milk-making process. 

If you had a breast reduction surgery and gave birth after that, please, share your experience in comments below. 

5. Hypoplastic breasts

Hypoplastic breast is highly likely to cause a problem with breastfeeding. Although, it occurs to a very small percentage of women. So it may be not your case. 

What is a hypoplastic breast?

This is referred to as undeveloped breast with insufficient glandular tissue. In other words, the milk-making tissue may be very small and it wouldn’t be enough to produce an adequate milk supply for your baby. 

This type of breast appear as very small, widely spaced from one another, thin or uneven with large and wide areola. It doesn’t change much during pregnancy and after birth and it may not start producing breast milk.  Here are the tips for successfully breastfeeding with hypoplastic breasts.

Dear mama, please, share your feedback

Did you have any fears or concerns about your breast shape and the ability to breastfeed? Did you think you would have problems with milk supply? How did it come out?

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