How To Breastfeed Like a PRO (The Ultimate Guide to Successful Breastfeeding To ALL Nursing Mammas!)

How to breastfeed? Have you ever wondered? I guess not. Well, at least not until you actually started doing that. This is a common mistake. Every woman thinks breastfeeding is super easy, natural. The instincts would lead you. True. And Wrong! Yes, maternal instinct is very strong, no doubt here. But it is a good practice to learn some theory first. When I was pregnant, my girlfriend (who was also a mom of a six-months-old baby) asked me if I was planning on breastfeeding. The question sounded silly to me. Of course, I was. Why would she even ask me … Continue reading How To Breastfeed Like a PRO (The Ultimate Guide to Successful Breastfeeding To ALL Nursing Mammas!)